Top 10 Social Bookmarking Sites Based On Page Rank

10 ) Newsvine

  • PageRank: 7
  • Monthly Unique Visitors: 104,117
  • Alexa Rank: 3,739
9 ) BlinkList

  • PageRank: 6
  • Monthly Unique Visitors: 146,858
  • Alexa Rank: 3,826
8 ) Fark

  • PageRank: 7
  • Monthly Unique Visitors: 212,274
  • Alexa Rank: 1,614
7 ) SlashDot

  • PageRank: 9
  • Monthly Unique Visitors: 282,967
  • Alexa Rank: 462
6 ) Reddit

  • PageRank: 7
  • Monthly Unique Visitors: 776,298
  • Alexa Rank: 838
5 ) StumbleUpon

  • PageRank: 8
  • Monthly Unique Visitors: 698,601
  • Alexa Rank: 316
4 )

  • PageRank: 8
  • Monthly Unique Visitors: 1,032,489
  • Alexa Rank: 201
3 ) Technorati

  • PageRank:  8
  • Monthly Unique Visitors: 3,563,581
  • Alexa Rank: 198
2 ) Netscape
  • PageRank: 9
  • Unique Monthly Visitors: 5,251,829
  • Alexa Rank: 562
1 ) Digg

  • PageRank: 8
  • Unique Monthly Visitors: 15,647,361
  • Alexa Rank: 91

The best OS in the world

     The best OS in the world - You are confuse to choice what operating system you want to use? Maybe this article will help you, because we are now will talk about the best operating system in the world. Okay, Mac OS X, Linux or Windows? You will know if you still reading this article.

A. Mac OS X

Mac OS X Mountain Lion
Mac OS is not easily affected by virus. Designed with security oriented, Mac OS is not plagued by constant attacks from PC viruses and malware. But neither will not slow down with constant security alerts and other interruptions. Mac OS is have best interface than other OS. Mac OS is also very neat and clean. You know? Steve Jobs is have a calligraphy class and he have worked in pixar and disney. Do not be surprised if Mac OS have a nice and neat interface than other OS. But Mac OS is very expensive, because apple product ( like Mac pro, Mac book pro ) is expensive. But you will never regret buy Apple's product, because the price is proportional with the quality. Sadly, Mac OS have not many software than Windows. And not suitable to play a game.

B. Windows
Windows 8
     Windows OS is the most widely used in the world. Because this OS is simply, user friendly and have a many software than other OS. The simply interface can be upgrade with software, just search in google or youtube about windows desktop software, windows 3D or windows theme. Even some theme or software that offers that Windows OS can be look like other OS like Mac. But there are still many complaints about the virus infecting the windows OS and the frequent occurrence of error.

C. Linux
     Why i not take screen shot about Linux? Because Linux OS is an open source OS and free to be developed be all people. So, Linux have many version. I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of Linux:


linux is free and open operating systems. So that it can be said, there are no licensing fees to buy or use Linux.
Linux is easy to use. First, Linux is an operating system that is said to be difficult and only devoted to the hacker. However, now, this view is wrong. Linux is easy to use and can be said is almost as easy as using Windows.
Nearly all applications included in Windows, there has been an alternative in Linux. We can access the web site Open Source as Alternative to obtain information that is useful and fairly complete information about alternative Windows applications on Linux.
Security that is superior to Windows. Can be said, almost all Windows users must have a virus, spyware, trojan, adware, etc.. It is, almost did not happen on Linux. Where, Linux was designed from the start multi-user, which is when a virus infects a specific user, it will be very very difficult to infect and spread to other users. On Windows, this is not happening. So that when viewed from the side of the maintenance / maintenance-data and hardware would be more efficient. Articles that support this argument: linux and viruses, protect windows from virus attacks using linux.
Linux is relatively stable. Computers that run on the UNIX operating system is known to run indefinitely stable. Linux, which is a variant of UNIX, it also inherits this stability. Rarely encountered, the computer suddenly hangs and have to press Ctrl-Alt-Del or Restart to end the incident. Thus, it is not surprising that Linux has the world's server market share is large enough. From the results of IDC's research, the market share of the world who use Linux servers in 2008 will reach 25.7% (can be read in
Linux has a backward compatibility better (better backward-compatibilty). Hardware devices (hardware) that has been aged a long time, still very useful and can run well on Linux. Old computers do not need to be removed and can still be used for certain purposes by using Linux (as supporting information can read the article "Do not Throw Away That Old PC-Give It New Life with Linux"). In addition, never seen the documents that newer is not readable on the older version of Linux. On Windows, if we are required to stay abreast of the hardware. For example, a few months ago, has released Windows Vista. Some of the documents created in Windows Vista can not be opened in Windows XP. So, inevitably, we have to switch to Windows Vista, and that means to upgrade or buy the hardware (hardware) has a better (Minimum hardware Windows Vista can be seen Alternatively, there may be applications made several years ago can not be opened again in Windows Vista, because it is no longer supported by Microsoft.
Disadvantages of Linux

Many users who are not familiar with Linux and is still 'Windows minded'. It can be overcome with training or education to users unfamiliar with Linux to begin.
Hardware support from vendors that were not too good on Linux. To find a list of supported hardware on Linux, we can see it in the or
The software installation process / application is not as easy as in Windows. Installation of software on Linux, it will become easier when connecting to the Internet or when having a CD / DVD repository it. If not, then we have to download one by one package and its dependencies needed it.
For system administrators who are not familiar with Unix-like (like Linux), then inevitably have to learn this. So the requirement for an administrator is a man who likes learning new things and constantly learning.

So, the conclusion is all of the operating system is great by varies for each person. everyone is different, so choose the operating system to suit you. Because each operating system that has advantages and disadvantages. Or make your own operating system! Nothing is impossible dude! They can, but why we can't?

Make a most visited blog with linkwheel technique

     Linkwheel technique is link building techniques in turning. As shown in the image, Linkwheel built using free domain like wordpress, blogger, etc. So you do not have to worry to pay for purchase a domain.

Here are the most stable seo tips linkwheel techniques you can practice:

-. Make 4 or 5 blog for example by using: wordpress, blogger, Weebly, squido, quizilla. 
-. Make just one post in each blog.
Make 3 link in on each post. First link go to your main blog, link to the two still go to your blog with different keywords and links third link go to posting on your other blog. The point is this: post on wordpress ==> post in blogger ==> post on quizilla ==> posting on Weebly ==> posting in squidoo ==> Return to posts in wordpress (spinning).
-. Strengthen your post you make to submit in many dofollow directory, or search for backlinks from comment.

Function of the link which is circulated to reinforce each post, and in the post there are links to web / blog. The stronger and posting quality backlinks then it will be better the quality of web / blog. 

How to speed up your blog loading with lazy load script

How to speed up your blog loading with lazy load script? Speed ​​is very important for blog loading to attract more visitors to your blog. If your loading blog is too long (slow) and takes too long to load, it can make a lot of lazy visitors that not like your blog. Here are some tips and tricks that will help your blog load faster and attract more users.
Here's How to Speed ​​up Loading Blog:

Click the Design >> Edit HTML >> Then Check the Expand Widget Templates.
Search this Code </ head> Use Crtl + F to simplify the code search
Copy the code above this code </ head>

<script charset='utf-8' src='' type='text/javascript'/> <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> <script charset='utf-8' type='text/javascript'> $(function() { $(&quot;img&quot;).lazyload({placeholder : &quot;;,threshold : 200}); }); </script>

And save your template.

How to speed up your blog loading

     Your blog loading is too slow? Your blog is not loading as fast as you want? Maybe this step can help you for faster blog loading and make your blog loading as fast as you want! Okay, this the step:

1. Optimization of blog loading pages

A. Do not get too much use of widgets. Use the widget that important, especially to support navigation. And dispose of widgets that are not so important, such as clocks and calendars. Why? Now i ask you! So your computer or laptop do not have a clock? You must be have! And that widget make visitors remember the time, later he did not even explore our blog (^_^)(kidding).

B. Don't use many picture on your blog! Because picture can increase your blog loading time. And if you want use picture on your post, just make your picture with fixed size. If you uploading to the hosting, use a good hosting for that!
C. In your home page, just preview 5 posts with auto read more (read this for how to make auto read more

2. Optimization of blog loading script

A. Use lazy load script. How? How to use the script? Click here if you want to know!
B. Use compressing technique. How to use that technique? Just click here!

Okay! Your blog loading is faster right? After you practicing my method? Thanks for reading this article!

How to make 'Follow me on Twitter' button

     You want make a button like on right side of my blog ('Follow me button'). Is so easy to do, just do the following instuction.

1. Open/add HTML/Java Script widget
2. Copy & Paste the following script code:

<a href=""><img src=""title="By:"width="140"height="52"/></a><br/><a href="">You want make a button like this? Click here!</a>

Green font: Your twitter link
Blue font: Image source for the button

And save your widget... That easy right?

How to make Privacy Policy

     You don't know how to make Privacy Policy in your blog/website? Or you know but too lazy? just use a Privacy Policy Generator, go to this site. I will Show you how to generate your Privacy Policy.

Well there we just enter the email address of the site and we are in the box provided. Then select what advertising program is being followed. If you have press the Create button so your My Privacy Policy is completed generated. Copy and paste writings privacy policy that is so, for then made our Privacy Policy on their blog or website. Hopefully the article How to Create Privacy Policy can be useful.